Jackbox Games Titles are Now Available on Amazon Luna
Beginning now, you have the opportunity to get instant access to all Jackbox Games titles on Amazon Luna for only $4.99/month!
What is Luna?
Luna is a cloud gaming service that allows you to play Jackbox games on supported PC, Mac, and Fire TV devices. Your monthly subscription to Luna’s Jackbox Games Channel gives you access to 41 Jackbox games and you have the ability to play them as much as you want.
Luna Couch helps make the platform easier for remote play. Luna couch allows channel subscribers to play local co-op games with other non-subscribers online. You will just need to connect via voice/video chat using a separate program.
This means that if you are a subscriber to the Jackbox Games Channel and Luna+, you can invite a non-subscribing friend to play a round of Jackbox with you over the internet. Luna will generate a unique session code that you can share with that friend to get started.
Additionally, if you’re a Luna subscriber and have linked to your Twitch account, you’ll see the “Play on Luna” option on Twitch. This allows you to quickly hop into games on Luna.
How does it work?
Your $4.99/month subscription will give you access to the Jackbox Games Channel on Luna. After launching a Jackbox game, you will use your mobile devices as controllers in the same way you would if you were playing on another platform.
Your monthly subscription gives you access to as many rounds of Jackbox as you’d like through the month. Titles available in the Jackbox Games Channel include all eight Party Packs as well as the standalone title, Drawful 2.
Let’s get started!
To subscribe to the Jackbox Games Channel on Luna, simply click the button below.